- Approval of the minutes of the November 26, 2012 regular meeting of the City Council.
- Consideration: Resolution re-appointing Patrick Higginbotham to the Board of Zoning Adjustment, to serve without compensation, his term to end December 31, 2015.
- Consideration: Resolution creating a Labor Supervisor position (class 8064, G15/10) for the Parks and Recreation Department to be filled at the discretion of the City Manager.
- Consideration: Resolution ratifying the fiscal 2012 transfer from the General Fund (100) of $750,000 into the Capital Project Fund (441) and the fiscal 2012 transfer from the Park Board Fund (115) of $116,433.25 into the Emergency Reserve Fund (146).
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of a contract for the demolition of the property located at 2210 Sterlingwood Drive, Mountain Brook, AL 35243 pursuant to the notice of determination rendered October 22, 2012 (Resolution 2012-179).
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing a change-order for Alscan, Inc. (Resolution No. 2012-044 dated March 26, 2012) in the amount of $2,817 for the installation of card readers in the parking deck of the municipal complex at the side door (A20) and elevators (A1) and (A2) as previously approved by the City Council (Resolution No. 2012-190 dated November 13, 2012).
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with Enviro Management Corp. for upgrades to the high school sewerage treatment facility (replacing the chlorination and dechloringation chemical-feed systems with an ultraviolet system designed to kill bacteria and eliminate chemical usage).
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of certain documents to allow employees to self-direct their Nationwide Section 457 (deferred compensation) accounts.
- Consideration: Resolution setting a public hearing for January 14, 2013 to consider the adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 129 of the City Code by adding a new “Vine Street Transitional” zoning district and amending the Article XXXI (Village Overlay Standards) and Section 129-416 (Advisory Design Review Required in the Villages of Mountain Brook).
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution [renewal] of the maintenance service agreements between the City and Digitel Corporation with respect to the Avaya communications equipment.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the City Manager to engage Stone & Sons Electrical Contractors, Inc., (and to execute such documents that may be determined necessary) for the installation of a buried conduit at Fire Station 3 to be used for the provision by AT&T of the back-up E911 fiber link.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the renewal of an agreement between the City and Merkos L' Inyonie Chinuch of Alabama (Chabad of Alabama) located on Overton Road for the use by the City of its parking lot.
- Frank Galloway to address the Mayor and Council regarding the City’s leaf pick-up schedule/service.
- Announcement: The next regular meeting of the City Council is Monday, January 14, 2013, at 7 p.m.
- Other business.
- Comments from residents.
- Adjourn.
- Street light request at Caldwell Mill Road and Old Trace – Sam Gaston.
- Change orders for municipal complex and furniture costs.
- Phase 6 Sidewalk updates – Sain Associates.
- Study the issues involved in the construction of another level to the Lane Parke parking deck.
- Birmingham Waters Works special service agreement (fire protection at the municipal complex).
- Mr. Charlie Beavers to address City Council regarding minimum pricing in the covenants for the RID property on Montclair Road by the temporary City Hall.
- Date in January for annual breakfast meeting with Legislators and County Commissioner.
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