
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

2021-Apr-1 Mountain Brook City Council Special Meeting Agenda



APRIL 1, 2021, 8:00 A.M. 
  1. Executive session (the City Council shall not reconvene upon conclusion of the executive session).
  2. Announcement: The next regular meeting of the City Council is April 12, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. (means and location to be announced).
  3. Adjourn.
Paste the text string below to your URL to go to the City's website:

Friday, March 19, 2021

2021-Mar-22 Mountain Brook City Council Meeting Agendas

MARCH 22, 2021, 7:00 P.M. 

As authorized by the Governor of the State of Alabama on March 18, 2020, elected officials may deliberate by means of telephone conference, video conference or other similar means of communication. Members of the public are also invited to listen, observe and participate in public meetings by such means as well.

Due to COVID-19, public gatherings of 10 or more are generally not permitted without adequate social distancing. Should anyone wish to listen, observe or participate in the City Council meeting above, please join by way of the Zoom app (meeting ID and password are available at the City's website, URL below). Should the meeting be interrupted for any reason, meeting attendees, participants and presenters should contact the City at for instructions.
  1. Proclaim April as Autism Acceptance Month.
  2. Proclaim April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
  3. Presentation of the annual financial audit of the City as of and for the year ended September 30, 2020.
  4. Approval of the minutes of the March 8, 2021, regular meeting of the City Council.
  5. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of a contractor agreement between the City and Stone & Sons Electrical Contractors, Inc., regarding their installation and configuration based on a design by Skipper Consulting (Resolution No. 2021-031) of a left turn arrow from Oakdale Drive into the high school complex.
  6. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of the revised funding agreement between ALDOT and the City with respect to the close-out of Project STPBH-CN (907) Jemison Trail/Shades Creek Greenway Connector-Jemison Park to Brookwood Village.
  7. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of commercial fire and EMS service agreement between the City and Shades Parkway, LLC (located in unincorporated Jefferson County).
  8. Consideration: Ratify Field 1 ROW Lease Agreement with ALDOT.
  9. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of the Services and Software Subscription Agreement between the City and OrangeBoy, Inc., for the O’Neal Library.
  10. Consideration: Resolution declaring certain computer equipment surplus and authorizing its sale at public Internet auction (or disposal for items not sold at said auction).
  11. Consideration: Resolution increasing the 2021 excess pension contribution and authorizing ongoing excess City pension contributions (EMTB) at the rate of 4.67% of covered payroll.
  12. Consideration: Ordinance to rezone a parcel of land at 4851 Mill Springs Circle from its Temporary Residence A District Zoning to Permanent Residence A District Zoning.
  13. Comments from residents and online attendees.
  14. Announcement: The next regular meeting of the City Council is April 12, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. (means and location to be announced).
  15. Adjourn.
MARCH 22, 2021, 6:00 P.M.
  1. Rescind curbside parking ordinance, except for selected locations, in the three commercial villages-Dana Hazen (Chamber of Commerce is polling the merchants and we plan to have this item on the formal agenda for the April 12th Council meeting.)
  2. Reappointment to the Board of Landscape Design (BLD)-Simeon Johnson, Chair of the BLD
  3. Introduction of virtual/remote intern (Vernon Dandridge, Ph.D. student in Public Administration at Jackson State University)-Sam Gaston
  4. Revised costs estimates for North Brookwood Road sidewalks-Alicia Bailey of Sain Associates
  5. Executive Session
Paste the text string below to your URL to go to the City's website to obtain the complete agenda packets including the Zoom meeting ID and password, resolutions, ordinances and supporting documentation:

Friday, March 5, 2021

2021-Mar-8 Mountain Brook City Council Meeting Agendas

MARCH 8, 2021, 7:00 P.M. 

As authorized by the Governor of the State of Alabama on March 18, 2020, elected officials may deliberate by means of telephone conference, video conference or other similar means of communication. Members of the public are also invited to listen, observe and participate in public meetings by such means as well.

Due to COVID-19, public gatherings of 10 or more are generally not permitted without adequate social distancing. Should anyone wish to listen, observe or participate in the City Council meeting above, please join by way of the Zoom app (re: Meeting ID 801-559-1126, password 03082021). Should the meeting be interrupted for any reason, meeting attendees, participants and presenters should contact the City at for instructions.
  1. Approval of the minutes of the February 22, 2021, regular meeting of the City Council.
  2. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement between the City and Skipper Consulting regarding their design of a left turn arrow from Oakdale Drive into the high school complex.
  3. Consideration: Resolution authoring the execution of a contractor agreement between the City and Stone & Sons Electrical Contractors with respect to the installation of a RRFB for the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Church Street and West Jackson Boulevard.
  4. Consideration: Resolution awarding the bid for the purchase of night vision monocular units for the Police Department.
  5. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of a contractor agreement between the City and Alabama Guardrail for the installation of a guardrail along Montevallo Road at Crestview Drive.
  6. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of the Second Amendment to the Tower Site Sublease Agreement and related Memorandum of Lease between the City and American Tower Asset Sub, LLC with respect to the tower located at the Athletic Complex.
  7. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of the revised funding agreement between ALDOT and the City with respect to the close-out of Project STPBH-CN (907) Jemison Trail/Shades Creek Greenway Connector-Jemison Park to Brookwood Village.
  8. Consideration: Ordinance amending the City’s small cell regulations (Ordinance No. 1948 adopted on January 11, 2016).
  9. Consideration: Ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the City Code with respect to fees associated with small cell antenna installations.
  10. Comments from residents and online attendees.
  11. Announcement: The next regular meeting of the City Council is March 22, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. (means and location to be announced).
  12. Adjourn.
MARCH 22, 2021, 6:15 P.M.
  1. Request for City to apply for a TAP grant to extend sidewalks along Brookwood Road from Crosshill Road to the end of the city limits- Mariellan Morris and Alicia Bailey of Sain Associates
  2. Skipper Consultant Report on turn arrow feasibility for Oakdale at Bethune at the entrance to the High School-Richard Caudle of Skipper Consultants
  3. Fire Service Contracts-Chief Mullins and Fire Marshall Rhudy
Paste the text string below to your URL to go to the City's website to obtain the complete agenda packets including resolutions, ordinances and supporting documentation: