Formal Meeting Agenda
Council Chamber located at 56 Church Street
7 p.m.
- Approval of the minutes of the December 14, 2009, regular meeting of the City Council.
- 2010 U.S. Census partner proclmation.
- Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City and The Townley Corporation and Bradley Lewis with respect to a retaining wall encroachment over a section of the City’s storm sewer in the Sterlingwood subdivision.
- Consideration: Resolution extending the deadline for completing the FEMA HMGP-1549, Phase IIA construction project until February 12, 2010. The extension is necessary due to construction delays caused by weather conditions.
- Consideration: Ordinance amending Sec. 50-115 of the City Code with respect to the prohibition of parking within traffic islands in the City.
- Consideration: Ordinance authorizing the sale of certain surplus property currently owned by the City to 11 Oak Street, LLC.
- Consideration: Ordinance authorizing the sale of certain surplus property currently owned by the City to the Mountain Brook Board of Education.
- Public hearing: Consideration of an ordinance adopting the 2009 International Building Code, 2009 International Residential Code, 2009 International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 International Mechanical Code, 2009 International Plumbing Code, the 2009 International Fire Code (all to become effective February 1, 2010).
- Other business.
- Adjourn.
Pre-meeting Agenda
Conference Room located at 56 Church Street
5:45 p.m.
- Amendment to the Sign/Banner Policy for Memory Triangle.
- Municipal Complex update – Brian Moore of Brasfield Gorrie.
- Placement of additional dog waste stations in the City – Virginia Smith.
- FEMA drainage project and change orders – Claire Puckett.
- Dirt stockpile on Zoo property from Phase IIA of FEMA drainage project – Whit Colvin.
- Purchase of two transport units and use of reverse bidding for this bid – Chief Ezekiel.