
Friday, January 22, 2021

2021-Jan-25 Mountain Brook City Council Meeting Agendas

JANUARY 25, 2021, 7:00 P.M. 

As authorized by the Governor of the State of Alabama on March 18, 2020, elected officials may deliberate by means of telephone conference, video conference or other similar means of communication. Members of the public are also invited to listen, observe and participate in public meetings by such means as well.

Due to COVID-19, public gatherings of 10 or more are generally not permitted without adequate social distancing. Should anyone wish to listen, observe or participate in the City Council meeting above, please join by way of the Zoom app (re: Meeting ID 801-559-1126, password 01252021). Should the meeting be interrupted for any reason, meeting attendees, participants and presenters should contact the City at for instructions.
  1. Superintendent Richard Barlow to provide an update of the School System’s pandemic observations and plans.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the January 12, 2021, regular meeting of the City Council.
  3. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution/renewal of the MWCF Deductible Addendum – 2021 with respect to the City’s high deductible workers’ compensation policy.
  4. Consideration: Ordinance amending the 2021 budget to include the one-time pay adjustment approved by the City Council on December 14, 2020 (Resolution No. 2020-216).
  5. Announcement: The next regular meeting of the City Council is February 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. (means and location to be announced).
  6. Adjourn
JANUARY 25, 2021, 6:15 P.M.
  1. Village Circle Project update-Sim Johnson of the Board of Landscape Design
  2. Request to remove a street light at 321 Overbrook Road-Ben Webster
  3. Request for the city to conduct a study on the feasibility of a turn arrow at Oakdale/Bethune (no turn lane)-Mary Ellen DeBardeleben and Richard Caudle of Skipper Consultants
  4. Request for a street light at 3820 or 3829 Spring Valley Road- Stacey McElrath
Paste the text string below to your URL to go to the City's website to obtain the complete agenda packets including resolutions, ordinances and supporting documentation:

Thursday, January 7, 2021

2021-Jan-12 Mountain Brook City Council Meeting Agendas

TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2021, 7:00 P.M. 

As authorized by the Governor of the State of Alabama on March 18, 2020, elected officials may deliberate by means of telephone conference, video conference or other similar means of communication. Members of the public are also invited to listen, observe and participate in public meetings by such means as well.

Due to COVID-19, public gatherings of 10 or more are generally not permitted without adequate social distancing. Should anyone wish to listen, observe or participate in the City Council meeting above, please join by way of the Zoom app (re: Meeting ID 801-559-1126, password 01122021). Should the meeting be interrupted for any reason, meeting attendees, participants and presenters should contact the City at for instructions.
  1. Recognition of Billy Angell upon the 30th anniversary of Oak Street Garden Shop in the City.
  2. Human Trafficking Awareness proclamation.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the December 14, 2020, regular meeting of the City Council.
  4. Consideration: Resolution authorizing the execution of an ADECA CDBG-CV Local Government Agreement between the City and Jefferson County Commission with respect to its ADECA CDBG-CV grant application.
  5. Consideration: Resolution ratifying a $300,000 transfer from the City’s 2020 General Fund surplus and $200,000 from the 2020 Stabilization Fund surplus to the infrastructure Capital Projects Fund (417).
  6. Announcement: The next regular meeting of the City Council is January 25, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. (means and location to be announced).
  7. Adjourn.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2021, 6:00 P.M.
  1. Recognition of incoming Chamber President Ricky Bromberg
  2. Parks/Recreation Board appointment-Shanda Williams
  3. Discussion on backing into public parking spaces-Seth Adams of Village Sportswear and Chief Cook
  4. Annexation request for vacant lot at 4851 Mills Springs Circle-Steven Boone
  5. Second amendment to tower site sublease agreement with American Tower Asset Sub, LLC for cellular tower at the Athletic Complex–Steven Boone
  6. Executive Session
Paste the text string below to your URL to go to the City's website to obtain the complete agenda packets including resolutions, ordinances and supporting documentation: